Astronaut fish is an aquatic creature originating from South America and is also known as Oscar fish. Astronaut fish, one of the aquarium fish species, is one of the easiest fish to care for. Astronaut fish, which come in different colors and species, are known for their particularly sharp intelligence. Thanks to this intelligence, astronaut fish quickly recognize their owners and bond with them. Interestingly, astronaut fish, which feel the need to be loved, can learn to perform acrobatic movements to obtain food. Due to these interesting features and their eye-catching appearance, astronaut fish, also known as Oscar fish, are considered the most popular fish in the world among aquarium hobbyists.

General Characteristics of Oscar Fish
The natural habitat of the astronaut fish is the Amazon River in South America.
They are freshwater fish.
Their young are born only 3 to 4 centimeters in size, but they grow very quickly and can reach up to 30 centimeters in adulthood.
They can usually have color combinations of red, blue, yellow and green. Monochrome versions are also available.
Their eyes are big, their heads are large and their mouths are wide.
One of the dorsal fins is spineless and soft, while the other is hard and spiney.
They usually swim in the middle and bottom areas of the aquarium.
They are carnivorous creatures, but they can sometimes accept herbivorous foods.
They move relatively slowly, but their jumping abilities are quite good.
They are aggressive fish, so it is difficult for them to live in the same aquarium with other fish.
The temperature of the aquarium water should be between 23 and 30 degrees.
They are suitable for soft and medium hard waters.
They do not like planted aquariums, they can harm the plants, so durable materials such as stones and logs should be preferred in aquarium decoration.
The growth rate of male astronaut fish is higher than that of females.
Discriminating between genders can be difficult.
White spot disease and head hole disease are common diseases in astronaut fish. They also need to be protected against internal parasites.
The lifespan of astronaut fish may be 10 years, but with good care, this lifespan can be doubled.

Astronaut Fish Care
Astronaut fish are very easy to care for, and one of their most popular features is their ability to quickly communicate with their owners. Thanks to their intelligence, these fish adapt quickly and can establish good relationships with people. They like to be touched and enjoy being petted. Astronaut fish are aquatic creatures that attract attention with their jumping abilities. They can jump up to a third of their own size, so aquariums without lids are not suitable for them.

Astronaut fish are mostly carnivorous and cannot resist quality fish food. For this reason, it is not recommended to keep these fish in the same aquarium with other fish that are smaller than them. Due to their aggressive nature and feeding habits, astronaut fish give best results when kept in the same aquarium as their own species.
The minimum aquarium volume required for an adult astronaut fish is at least 250 liters. These fish eat by distributing their food throughout the water, which can cause the aquarium to become dirty faster. Therefore, it is important to make regular water changes and ensure that the aquarium filter is strong.