Black Sea fish species is also a rich region. 70% of the total annual fish production in our country comes from the Black Sea.
The Black Sea is a sea that completely covers the north of our country, from Kırklareli to Artvin. Its coastline length is 8,350 km, its area is 461,000 square kilometers and its depth is 2,210 meters at some points. Due to the fact that it is a closed sea and the natural discharge of hydrogen sulfide from some points at a depth of more than 200 meters, the fish population of the Black Sea has begun to decrease. Human-induced marine pollution and misfishing also accelerate the decline in fish numbers.
Due to pollution and other reasons, Black Sea fish species Mackerel, Sturgeon, Bluefish is almost never seen. Unfortunately, even anchovies, the most famous Black Sea fish, are at risk due to improper fishing. That's why we should appreciate the remaining fish and be careful. Fish such as Dolphin, Goby and Stingray, which are not caught because they do not comply with our country's nutritional culture and taste, are frequently encountered in the Black Sea. However, when they are caught in nets, they are released back into the sea.
List of Black Sea Fish Species:
Whiting (Chicken) Fish

Haddock fish is a fish abundant in the Marmara and Black Seas. Haddock is also known as chicken fish. The largest ones can reach up to 40 cm in length. Haddock, hunted by schools of anchovy, enters the breeding period in late winter and early spring. It is a large fish that is consumed with pleasure thanks to its white meat and taste. It can be found at fishermen in every season.

Anchovy can live in both the Black Sea and the Marmara Sea. They live in flocks and can reach 18 centimeters in length. It is a fish species identified with the Black Sea. Anchovy, which approaches the coastline for feeding and breeding between November and March, is found at depth during the day and close to the surface at night. They can live for 4 years at temperatures between 18-20 degrees. During the breeding period, female anchovy fish lay an average of around 40,000 eggs at depths between 25 and 55 meters.
Bonito Fish

Bonito fish is a large carnivorous fish species that lives in flocks along the Black Sea coastline. Bonito fish are named differently depending on their size. Large bonito fish cannot be seen due to overfishing and improper hunting.

The most well-known feature of the bluefish is that it is a fish that can attack even larger fish. With its double dorsal fin and strong jaws with large teeth, it is the nightmare of schools of small fish in the sea. Bluefish length can be 110 cm and weight can be 12 kg. Bluefish live in flocks in shallow waters with a temperate climate and hunt at depths between 10m and 200m. They both hunt and lay eggs on coasts and rocky places. There are different types of bluefish named according to their size. Bluefish spawn on the Black Sea coast and migrate to the Mediterranean via Marmara and the Aegean.
Mullet Fish

The mullet is easily distinguished from other fish with its red color, but it is a fish that can be confused with red mullet. Tabby and mullet are very similar to each other. It can be distinguished from the red mullet fish thanks to its mouth that reaches eye level, black spots on its dorsal fin and the oval shape of its head. The mullet fish, which has red and pink colored scales, is a slender fish that you can easily recognize by its two barbels. The adult tabby, which is generally between 15-25 cm tall, approaches the shores to breed.
Chub Mackerel

Chub Mackerel is generally compared to a missile with its thin and long structure. Because the skin on the head is very thin, the adult brain is visible. Its bluish black and silver wavy patterns cause it to be confused with mackerel fish. The bream, which does not have an air bladder, is not cooked like other fish species, but rather is pickled.

Tribute is a type of fish that has a very high economic value due to its taste. It is a flat fish that lives camouflaged by lying on the sand at the sea bottom at depths between 20 meters and 70 meters. They feed on crustaceans and plankton on the seabed. Turbot fish, whose appearance is oval or almost round, has no scales on its skin. It can reach an average height of 50-70 cm and a weight of 20 kg. Female turbot fish lay around 10-15 million eggs during the summer breeding season.

Flounder, which is a flat fish like turbot, is not round in appearance but rather resembles a diamond slice. It is an interesting fish with both eyes located on its right side. They hide well thanks to their colors. During the breeding period, flounder go to deeper areas and spawn there. Adult flounder can reach sizes up to 50 cm. It is a valuable fish like turbot in the Black Sea.
Sprat Fish

Splean fish are also called silver fish because of their silvery scales. Since they are on migration routes, they are also abundant in the Black Sea. Sprat fish, which is rich in omega oils and vitamins, is called papalina in the Aegean Region.
Black Sea fish Jack Mackerel, garfish and sea bream. These fish, which can be reached in all seasons, migrate to other coasts and seas to breed due to improper and overfishing. Hunting fish that do not reach sufficient sizes and using fishing equipment (trawling nets-projector lighting) that damage eggs and spawning areas are strictly prohibited practices. We must comply with hunting rules and protect our seas in order not to deprive future generations of a rich food source such as fish and not to disrupt the marine ecosystem.