Fish is one of the foods that must be consumed for human health. Thanks to its high protein content (15-25%), it has all the amino acids necessary for the protection and development of tissues. Fish meat contains minerals such as phosphorus, folic acid, selenium, iodine, calcium and iron, as well as vitamins A, D, E, K, B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12. When we eat small fish such as anchovy and sardines with their bones, it also meets the body's calcium needs. Thanks to the nutrients in fish, the body can renew itself and meet its needs. Since the connective tissue of fish meat is weaker than other types of meat, it is digested more easily. In terms of the healthy development of the baby and protection of the mother's health, breastfeeding is and During pregnancy it is recommended to consume fish 3-4 times a week.
The list below shows the fat content of some fish:
Some of the fish with high protein content are as follows:
Mackerel 26 g/100 g)
Mullet (24.9g/100g)
Silversilver salmon (24 g/100 g)
Trout (22.9 g/100 g)
Atlantic salmon (20 g/100 g)
Fish meat is a very important food source for human health in terms of the important fatty acids it contains. Omega-3 fatty acid, which is not produced by the human body and is used as a medicine in capsule form in case of deficiency, is abundant in fish oil. Especially salmon, tuna, anchovy, sardines and mackerel contain high amounts of omega-3. EPA and DHA, fatty acids containing omega-3, have a positive effect on preventing many diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer. EPA and DHA fatty acids are not found in other animal foods such as red meat, cheese and milk.
The dark colored part on the back of some fish is called black fish meat. Fish such as bonito, bonito, mackerel and mullet are black-fleshed fish. Dark-fleshed fish contain more omega-3 than white-fleshed fish. This part is rich in oligomer protein and supports height growth in children.
200 grams of fish meat provides the body with daily protein and omega fatty acid meets the need. Therefore, it is recommended to consume fish at least twice a week for a healthy life. However, attention should be paid to fish cooking methods. For example, although fried fish is more delicious, protein and other nutrients are reduced. Additionally, some fatty acids can turn into carcinogenic substances when frying fish. Nutritional loss from fish cooked in the oven or steamed is minimal. In this method, some of the nutrients of the cooked fish pass into its water. There will be no nutritional loss when consumed with fish broth.
Let's list some of the benefits of fish:
– Vitamin A in fish strengthens the immune system and increases resistance to diseases. It also improves eyesight.– Phosphorus adds vitality to the hair and accelerates the healing of tissues.– Vitamin D is very important in bone and tooth development.– Fish meat thins the blood and facilitates its flow. It also relaxes blood circulation in the body by widening the vessels and prevents clotting.– It prevents Alzheimer's disease by improving brain functions.– It is an important source of antioxidants and prevents premature aging by ensuring cell renewal.– It reduces the risk of cancer by preventing cancerous cell formation.– It has a blood sugar regulating effect.– It prevents depression with its antidepressant properties.

Since larger fish live longer, heavy metals such as mercury accumulate more than small fish. For these reasons, it is recommended to consume small fish such as anchovies, horse mackerel and sardines.
The per capita consumption of fish, which has countless benefits, in our country is below the world average. While the average fish consumption per capita around the world is around 16 kilos, in our country this amount is around 8 kg. Although our country is surrounded by sea on three sides, it is a thought-provoking and sad situation that fish consumption is so low. In addition, fish will be tastier and cheaper if consumed when they are abundant and in season.
Fish is also extremely rich in protein. The same amount of fish meat contains more protein than red meat. Fish meat is ahead of red meat in terms of the minerals and vitamins it contains. Although we are behind the world average in terms of fish consumption, the increase in fish consumption per capita in the last 20 years is pleasing.
We are not a society that has sufficient knowledge about fish consumption and identifying fish. In order to get the desired benefit and flavor from fish, the most suitable one for fish is correct cooking techniques must be applied. Not every fish can be baked, grilled or steamed, nor can it be panned or grilled.