Fishing trawl net is one of the most critical component of the fishing industry and have evolved over time along with technological innovations in this field. When examining trawl nets and their diversity, we also need to evaluate their impact on the ecosystem and their impact on fishing practice.

Gated and Non-Gated Trawl Nets
Trawl nets are examined in two main categories: gated and gateless. Trawlers with doors are pulled by a single ship, while trawlers without doors are pulled by two ships. The fishing practice of these nets is called "trawling". It is called.
Gated Trawl Nets
Trawl nets with doors provide horizontal expansion of the net through doors. This makes it possible to collect prey effectively and over a large area. However, the selectivity and efficiency of these nets may vary depending on the geographical region in which they are used and the fish species caught.
Doorless Trawl Nets
Doorless trawl nets are pulled by two ships, which makes them different from gated trawlers. Providing a wide hunting area and their horizontal diameter make doorless trawls an effective hunting tool.
Bottom Trawl Net and Types

Bottom trawl net is widely used to hunt creatures living on the seabed. Classical bottom trawl net is known as the Mediterranean type and the lack of modern techniques in their production reduces their efficiency. Shrimp trawl nets are smaller and specialized trawl nets used in shrimp fishing. High-opening bottom trawls are the most common of modern fishing trawl nets and are used to catch a variety of marine creatures.
Midwater and Pelagic Trawls
Pelagic trawl net or mid-water trawl nets are preferred for hunting pelagic fish. They can be towed by single or double vessels. It is popular for anchovy and sprat fish hunting. However, the fact that these nets are gateless and pulled by two boats shows that technology in this field needs to be improved.
Effects of Trawl Nets
The use of trawl nets has significant impacts on fish populations and ecosystems. Non-selective nets can harm fish stocks and threaten the ecosystem. This may create problems in sustainable fishing and maintaining ecological balance.