When buying a fishing rod, it is necessary to acquire knowledge and act accordingly. The first point you need to know is that your fishing experience catches the fish, not the fishing line. If you have enough experience in fishing, it is possible to catch big fish with a short and thin fishing rod. It is always good to use quality and durable materials, but if you can't use them properly, is an expensive material useful?
The second point we need to pay attention to is the type of fishing pole. Each fishing pole has a different purpose, different features and benefits. Let's talk about them briefly.
1. Surf type fishing rod :
Produced for use on the beach and in open areas. The most important feature is that the reel connection is above, it is designed for long shots thanks to its ease of control and long handle distance. Many amateur fishermen choose these rods because they can shoot far away. In situations that require excessive load, this rod type can tire the fisherman.
2. Medium-Heavy class rods :
The most basic feature of medium heavy class rods, which are mostly used in and around the straits in our country, is that they are resistant to heavy lead throwing and pressure. These rod types have both telescopic and segmented models.
3. Light class ( spinning ) fishing poles :
It is a type of fishing rod that does not tire the fisherman in long-term use with its lightness and is generally used for horse-drawn hunting. It is possible to use such rods even on the boat.
4. Fishing poles for boat or boat :
These rods, which are designed with a length of 1-3 meters and a thick body, are generally used for large fish. If you do not have a boat, there is no point in buying this type of fishing pole.
If you are an active fisherman, it would be good to have the rods that are suitable for your purpose from these different types of fishing rods we mentioned. There are many options when buying a fishing pole. Therefore, before turning to brands, it is wiser to use rod models known in the market and tried by many fishermen.
What to Consider When Choosing a Fishing Rod?
In the shops that sell fishing gear, they first direct you to the steel coil. However, first check the value of the reed you will buy. Then look at the guide rings and check their integrity. Finally, you can ask about the production method and material of the cane and make your preferences.
When choosing a fishing rod, be sure to choose rods that are easy to control, light and will not tire you, suitable for your hunting target. Otherwise, you can not enjoy a tiring fishing and give up quickly.
The point everyone fears when buying a fishing pole is the possibility of breaking it. The fishing pole does not break without difficulty. It must have been subjected to a high pressure that it cannot handle or it must have been damaged in some way beforehand. The probability of the fish we catch breaking the fishing pole is very low. Thanks to its flexibility with many fishing rods, we can catch fish that are heavier than the drag value. However, we should not force it too much. In addition, it is most logical to buy and use rods that are suitable for our target, rather than buying many rods unnecessarily and being undecided about using them.