For those interested in aquarium hobbies, the Mandarin Fish, which attracts attention with its fascinating vibrant colors and tiny size, is a species that lives in salt water in its natural environment. Mandarin fish, which are part of the Pacific Ocean and are found especially near the Ryukyu archipelago of Japan, can also be seen off the coast of Western Australia. These fish, also called "Mandarin Fish", attract attention with their bright and vibrantly colored patterns. Mandarin fish are aquatic creatures that move slowly and generally live at the bottom of the water.

General Characteristics of Tangerine Fish
Their natural habitat is the Pacific Ocean and they can live in saltwater aquariums.
Their bodies and faces have bright and vibrant colors.
Their size varies between 6 and 10 centimeters.
In their natural habitats, they live in flocks or in pairs.
Gender discrimination can be made based on physical characteristics. The dorsal fins of male Mandarin fish are spiny and larger than those of females.
They are slow moving and calm fish.
Although they are peaceful creatures, it is not suitable for them to live in the same aquarium with other aquatic creatures.
They usually prefer to swim at the bottom of the aquarium.
Mandarin Fish Care
Mandarin Fish is a difficult species to care for and may have difficulty coexisting with other aquatic creatures. Due to their peaceful nature, they can be affected by the aggressive behavior of other fish. Therefore, it is important to set up a special aquarium for Mandarin fish. Additionally, it is necessary to provide an environment that mimics the saltwater conditions in which these fish are found in their natural habitat.
Mandarin fish spend a great deal of time searching for food and often feed on aquatic creatures among rocks. Therefore, it is important to have rocks in the aquarium where these fish can hide. Additionally, heaters should be used to balance the water temperature of the aquarium and the water temperature should generally be between 23 and 29 degrees.
Mandarin fish live in flocks or pairs in nature. Therefore, when setting up a Mandarin Fish aquarium, it is important to have these fish in pairs or in large quantities. Since there may be competition between male Mandarin fish, it is a better option to limit the number of males to the number of females.
Another difficulty in caring for these fish is their nutrition. Mandarin fish may prefer a selective type of food and may require a diet based on aquatic creatures among the rocks. In addition, it is important that the food for these fish is fresh and diverse. Therefore, special care and attention is required for those who want to take care of Mandarin fish.