Picarel (Spicara smaris) is a small fish species that belongs to the Centracanthidae family and lives especially in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Also known as strangyllossus, this fish plays an important role in both fisheries and the ecosystem. In this article, detailed information about the physical characteristics of the Picarel, its habitat, feeding habits, reproductive behavior and its relationship with humans will be presented.
Picarel Physical Properties
Picarel has a body structure that is flattened from the sides and oval, with a length varying between 10-20 cm. The back is blue-green, and the sides and abdomen are silver. This fish, which draws attention with its thin and shiny scales, usually lives and moves in small flocks.
Habitat and Distribution
Picarel live primarily in the Mediterranean and Black Seas, as well as on the eastern coasts of the Atlantic Ocean and the Canary Islands. It is usually found in coastal, shallow and medium depth waters. They survive on sandy and gravel grounds, and in areas covered with algae and seagrass.

Eating Habits
Picarel eat plankton, small crustaceans and molluscs. These fish follow forage fish and hunt in small flocks in areas where they find food.
Reproductive Behavior
Picarel enters the breeding season in spring and summer. The breeding season varies depending on the geographical region they live in. Females lay thousands of eggs on the seafloor. The eggs are protected by adhering to the bottom and develop into planktonic larvae. As the larvae grow and develop, they settle in the habitats of adult fish.
Picarel Relationship with People
Picarel is a delicious fish species that has commercial value, especially in the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions. These fish are consumed fresh or dried and smoked. It is frequently used especially in Mediterranean cuisine due to its delicious meat. In addition, Picarel is also popular for amateur fishing.
Role in the Ecosystem
Picarel play an important role in marine ecosystems. These fish provide energy flow by consuming plankton and small crustaceans. At the same time, butt fish is an important food source for other marine creatures. Seabirds, dolphins and larger fish obtain energy by consuming this species.
Conservation Efforts
Considering the ecological importance of the Picarel, the protection and management of this species is of great importance. Marine management and fishing regulations are implemented in various countries to limit the hunting of this species and maintain the balance of marine ecosystems. Additionally, protecting coastal areas and sustainably managing the development of important habitats such as seagrass meadows will help loonfish and other marine creatures to survive.