Red scorpion fish (Scorpaena scrofa) is a poisonous and impressive fish species that belongs to the Scorpaenidae family and lives especially on the eastern coasts of the Mediterranean, Black Sea and Atlantic Ocean. In this article, detailed information about the physical characteristics of the Red scorpion fish, its habitat, feeding habits, reproductive behavior and its relationship with humans will be presented.
Red scorpion fish Characteristics
Red scorpion fish is a fish that is 30-50 cm long and has camouflage ability in red, brown and orange colors. This species stands out with its poisonous spines on the dorsal side of its body. These spines function as a defense mechanism against predators and can also be dangerous to humans.

Where Do Red scorpion fish Live?
Red scorpion fish lives on the eastern coasts of the Mediterranean, Black Sea and Atlantic Ocean. It generally lives in deep waters near the coast and on the continental shelf. They hide in rocky ground and in sheltered areas such as caves and cracks.
What Do Red scorpion fish Eat?
Red scorpion fish has a carnivorous diet. It feeds on other fish, crustaceans and molluscs. Thanks to its ability to hide and camouflage, it catches its prey with a sudden movement.
Reproductive Behavior
It usually enters the breeding season during the summer months. Females lay their free-swimming eggs in the water, and males fertilize these eggs. Eggs and larvae lead a planktonic life and later settle in the habitats of adult fish.
Can You Eat Red scorpion fish?
Red scorpion fish is a commercial fish species in the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions because its meat is delicious and valuable. The meat of this freshly cooked fish is frequently used, especially in Mediterranean cuisine. However, due to the poisonous spines of the Red scorpion fish, it is important to be careful when handling this fish.